
Mortgage Market 5 min read
Common Credit Challenges and What You Can Do About Them

Cultivating a healthy credit score is key to getting the mortgage rates you want, but we know that’s easier said than done. The good news is that while some credit challenges may […]

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Money Management 6 min read
What Does My Credit Score Need to Be to Buy a House?

There’s no set credit score that you need in order to buy a house, but there are some rules of thumb you should know before you try. Feared by many and flaunted […]

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Mortgage Market 4 min read
3 Myths That Are Keeping Millennials from Homeownership

No need to worry, Millennials. Homeownership isn’t as scary as you think! Buying a home is a milestone event in anyone’s life. With it comes added responsibility, a sense of settling down, […]

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Money Management 5 min read
What Are Lenders Looking for on My Credit Report?

An inside look at credit report findings that can make or break your mortgage application. When you apply for a mortgage, your lender will look at your entire financial picture to determine […]

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