Cardinal Financial Blog

Mortgage Market

10 Key Players Involved in Getting a Mortgage

When it comes to buying a home or getting a new mortgage, you’ll never need to go it alone. Here’s a quick intro to the 10 mortgage and real estate pros you’ll […]

6 min read
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Mortgage Market 5 min read
Common Credit Challenges and What You Can Do About Them

Cultivating a healthy credit score is key to getting the mortgage rates you want, but we know that’s easier said than done. The good news is that while some credit challenges may […]

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Money Management 7 min read
15 Tips for Frugal Living: Kick Spending Habits to the Curb

Embrace frugal living and save money for a down payment with these simple tips. Are you addicted to the finer things? Love to splurge on little indulgences throughout the week? While these […]

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Mortgage Market 5 min read
A Brief History of Mortgage Etymology

We’ve got a thing for words (in case you couldn’t tell), so we thought we’d take a break from our usual mortgage content to touch on our shared love. Don’t worry, it’s […]

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Money Management 11 min read
21 Ways to Save for a Down Payment

First-time buyers: We’re here to help you save money! When you’re preparing for one of the biggest purchases of your life, it’s important to figure out where that money is going to […]

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Purchase 6 min read
Smart Goals for Buying a House

Is your New Year’s resolution to become a homeowner? You’ve come to the right place. Many people are making plans and taking steps toward the goal of homeownership this year. So, why […]

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Home & Garden 4 min read
Ten 2022 Interior Design Trends to Try in Your Home

Whether you’re refreshing your current home or wondering what to look for in your next purchase, one of the biggest advantages of homeownership is the freedom to express (and change) your style. […]

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Purchase 7 min read
How to Craft the Perfect House Wants and Needs List

A house wants and needs list can help you find the right home for you. If you’ve seen some of those house hunting shows on TV, you’ll notice that every home buyer […]

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Money Management 6 min read
Five Steps to Financial Fitness: Your Financial Tips For 2022

You know the saying: “New year, new you.” Raise your hand if you’ve ever made a resolution and let it fade away within weeks? I bet a bunch of hands just went […]

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Purchase 9 min read
10 Things No One Told You About Buying Your First Home

Buying your first home can come with its own set of surprises. This should help you be prepared for them. Buying your first home is an exciting time. And there are so […]

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Home & Garden 7 min read
How to Throw an Epic Housewarming Party

You bought a new house, now it’s time to show it off! Here are 6 tips for hosting a housewarming party like a pro! Even though the ink has dried on your […]

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Mortgage Market 9 min read
Home Buyer Survival Guide: Buyer’s Market vs. Seller’s Market

When it comes to home buying, there’s no shortage of things to consider. You’ve got the neighborhood, the price range, and the home itself. Then, there’s choosing the right lender and real […]

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